Anna Paulová patří k nejvýraznějším českým klarinetistům mladé generace. V roce 2015 se stala laureátkou Mezinárodní hudební soutěže Pražské jaro, kde získala 2. cenu a další zvláštní ocenění – cenu Nadace Bohuslava Martinů, cenu Nadace Gideona Kleina ad. Již předtím získala ocenění v mnoha významných českých i mezinárodních klarinetových soutěžích (Marco Fiorindo v Turíně, Giacomo Mensi v Brenu- Itálie, v Kršku – Slovinsko, v Markneukirchenu- Německo, ve Wroclawi –Polsko, v Oldenburgu- Německo, Possehl-Musikpreis, Yamaha Stipendium aj.). V roce 2016 se stala absolutní vítězkou soutěže Nadace Bohuslava Martinů. V roce 2019 postoupila do semifinále prestižní Mezinárodní hudební soutěže ARD v Mnichově. Je držitelkou ceny Nadačního fondu Viktora Kalabise a Zuzany Růžičkové pro nejlepšího studenta HAMU v Praze roku 2020. Získala speciální cenu Golden Medal na soutěžích Vienna International Music Competition (2019) a Manhattan International Music Competition (2022) a v listopadu 2022 vystoupila na festivalu Salon de Virtuosi v Bohemian National Hall v New Yorku.
V patnácti letech debutovala s PKF- Prague Philharmonia a dirigentem Leošem Svárovským. Později vystoupila jako sólistka s dalšími předními českými i zahraničními orchestry, například se Symfonickým orchestrem Českého rozhlasu, Komorní filharmonií Pardubice, Filharmonií Bohuslava Martinů Zlín, Münchener Kammerorchester, Orquestra Cascais e Oeiras Portugal, Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana aj. V roce 2014 vystoupila jako sólistka s Českou filharmonií pod taktovkou Jiřího Bělohlávka.
Vedle své sólistické dráhy se věnuje komorní hře a spolupracuje s řadou vynikajících instrumentalistů, jako např. Charles Neidich, Ivo Kahánek, Martin Kasík, Václav Hudeček, Tomáš Jamník, Lubomír Brabec a dalšími předními umělci.
Zaměřuje se na skladby českých skladatelů 20. a 21. století (Bohuslav Martinů, Karel Husa, Viktor Kalabis, Josef Páleníček, Miloslav Ištvan, Jiří Teml, Zdeněk Šesták ad.) a spolupracuje také se skladateli mladé generace. Zabývá se rovněž interpretací Mozartova klarinetového koncertu v originální verzi na basetový klarinet.
Studovala na Pražské konzervatoři u prof. Milana Poláka a prof. Ludmily Peterkové a na Akademii múzických umění v Praze u prof. Jiřího Hlaváče a prof. Vlastimila Mareše. Ve studiu pokračovala na Musikhochschule Lübeck, kde navštěvovala hodiny u prof. Sabine Meyer a prof. Reinera Wehle. Své studium si dále rozšířila na Royal Conservatoire Antwerp u prof. Annelien van Wauwe a na Accademia di Santa Cecilia v Římě pod vedením Maestra Alessandra Carbonareho. V současné době je doktorandkou na Akademii múzických umění v Praze.
Zúčastnila se řady mistrovských kurzů pod vedením špičkových sólistů a pedagogů (Sharon Kam, Shirley Brill, Charles Neidich, Yehuda Gilad, Martin Fröst, François Benda, Philippe Berrod, Paul Meyer, Karl Leister, Wenzel Fuchs a mnoha dalších).
Anna Paulová has been awarded 2nd prize at the Prague Spring International Music Competition 2015 and 1st prize at the Bohuslav Martinů Foundation Interpretation Competition 2016. She performed as a soloist with the Czech Philharmonic under the baton of Jiří Bělohlávek in June 2014. She is a winner of a special award- Golden Medal (High Distinction) of the Vienna International Music Competition 2019. At this year’s 68th International Music Competition ARD in Munich 2019 she advanced in the clarinet category to the semifinals, among the 6 best candidates from around the world.
From an early age on she has won numerous prizes, for instance the 1st prize at the national round of a competition for primary schools for the arts in the category of solo clarinet (2006, 2009), 1st prize at the Competition of the Pilsen Conservatory (2009), 1st prize at the Czech Conservatories Competition in Ostrava, 1st prize at the International Clarinet Competition Marco Fiorindo in Torino (2009), 1st prize at the International Clarinet Competition in Krsko- Slovenia, 1st prize at the International Competition for Young Instrumentalists in Markneukirchen, 1st prize at the International Competition for wind instruments in Wroclaw (2010), 2nd prize at the International Competition for wind instruments Pro Bohemia Ostrava, 1st prize at the International Clarinet Competition Giacomo Mensi in Breno (2011), 3rd prize at the International Contest for Clarinet “Town of Carlino“- Italy (2011), 1st prize at the Yamaha Music Foundation (2012). She was a finalist in the International Music Competition for Young People in Oldenburg- Germany (2013).
Her greatest success has been 2nd prize at the Prague Spring International Music Festival in May 2015 with a number of special awards, including the Bohuslav Martinů Foundation prize, Gideon Klein Foundation prize, Czech Centres prize and Mercedes Benz prize for the most successful Czech participant of the competition and 1st prize at the Bohuslav Martinů Foundation Interpretation Competition 2016 with special prize of the Artist’s Life Foundation for the best participant of the competition.
As a soloist, Anna Paulová has performed with the Czech Philharmonic, PKF- Prague Philharmonia, Talich Philharmonia Prague, Bohuslav Martinů Philharmonic Orchestra Zlín, Czech Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra Pardubice, Nord Czech Philharmonic Teplice, Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra Olomouc, Moravian Chamber Orchestra, Prague Conservatory Symphony Orchestra, Bon Art Orchestra, Hodonin Symphony Orchestra, Polish Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra Sopot, Orchestra Sinfonica Città di Grosseto, Inter Camerata Chamber Orchestra Wroclaw, Moscow Chamber Orchestra “The Seasons“, Orquestra Cascais e Oeiras Portugal and Orchestra da Camera di Caserta and the Orchestra Sinfonica di Sanremo.
She performed with Charles Neidich at the international festival Prague Clarinet Days 2016. They played together F. V. Kramář- Krommer: Concerto for two clarinets in E-flat Major, op. 35.
Anna Paulová has performed at major festivals – Talentinum, Young Prague, Prague Clarinet Days, International Music Festival Janáček May, Klasika Viva, Prague Music Festival, Czech Culture Festivities, Young Stage festival, Dvořák’s Turnov and Sychrov, Smiřice Music Festival, Clarimania, Villa Musica, Vremena Goda, Autunno Musicale, Brahms Festival, Lübecker Klarinettennacht.
Anna was born in 1993 in Prague. She began playing the clarinet at the age of eleven with Karel Mezera. At the age of 15, she played as a soloist with the Prague Philharmonia under the baton of Leoš Svárovský. In 2009 she entered the Prague Conservatory, studying with prof. Milan Polák and prof. Ludmila Peterková. Subsequently she received private lessons with prof. Jiří Hlaváč at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (since 2010). Since 2013 she is studying with prof. Jiří Hlaváč and prof. Vlastimil Mareš at Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. At present, she receives lessons with prof. Sabine Meyer and prof. Reiner Wehle at the Musikhochschule Lübeck.
She has attended master classes given by Philippe Berrod, Paul Meyer, Michel Lethiec, Wenzel Fuchs, Sabine Meyer, Reiner Wehle, Karl Leister, Shirley Brill, Francois Benda, Michael Rusinek, Franck Amet, Jan Jakub Bokun, Thomas Martin, Philippe Cuper, Charles Neidich and others. She has attended the International Summer Academy Prague-Vienna- Budapest ISA- Austria (Sharon Kam, Jiří Hlaváč) and the International Clarinet Festival Clarimania 2011 in Wroclaw. She has participated in master class with Prof. Franck Amet at Conservatoire á rayonnement régional de Paris (2012), the Summer Campus 2013 in Rostock- Germany (Shirley Brill), the Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival – Masterclass at the Musikhochschule Lübeck- Germany 2014 (Sabine Meyer, Reiner Wehle), the Dartington International Summer School 2014 in United Kingdom (Prof. Chen Halevi), the Academy of Chamber Music and Villa Musica Rheinland-Pfalz, Schloss Engers – Germany 2016 (Marie Luise Neunecker), the International Masterclass Apeldoorn- Netherlands 2016 (Charles Neidich) and the International Summer School in Bad Reichenhall 2019 (Sabine Meyer, Reiner Wehle).